Conception Calculator

Find out the approximate date when your child was conceived

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How to use Conception Calculator


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About Conception Calculator

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, there is a short period of time that is most favorable for conceiving a child. The egg is active for 24 hours, and the sperm remain viable for about 2-3 days. Conception calculator, favorable days for conceiving a child will help you calculate the most favorable days for conceiving a child, as well as draw up a calendar of ovulation days, based on the beginning and duration of your menstrual cycle. The date of conception of a baby is one of the most mysterious in medicine in general and in obstetrics in particular. The fact is that it is impossible to calculate it with accuracy. But an approximate calculation is quite acceptable. The date of conception is the day when the parental germ cells have merged and exchanged genetic information. As a result, a separate, unique cell with its own genome - a zygote - was formed. Your child will grow out of it in 9 months.

By the date of conception, you can set the approximate birthday of the baby. It is known that the conception of a child can occur only during the period of ovulation, i.e. at the time when the finished egg leaves the follicles and goes to meet the sperm. Usually, a baby is born 40 weeks (280 days) after conception. A two-week breakdown from this date is considered the norm. This is due to different physiology in different women and different duration of menstrual cycles. When determining the date of conception by date of birth, we actually use this formula. That is, we subtract 280 days from the date of birth. But, remember that a baby can be born prematurely, which happens very often.

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