Due Date Calculator

Use our calculator to find your due date

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How to use Due Date Calculator


Run the application

Above the application window, you can find buttons with which you can launch different versions of the calculator. We recommend starting with the first application and, if you wish, try others.


Enter your data

Enter all the required information in the appropriate fields and click on the button to use the _______ calculator. Make sure all the data used is correct to get the most reliable result.


Complete or continue

After receiving the results, do not rush to close our site. Try other apps to compare results. Also see what other calculators are on our website. Also don't forget to bookmark our site for future reference.

About Due Date Calculator

Asked the question How to determine the gestational age? We suggest you use our pregnancy calendar, which will easily and quickly determine the timing of pregnancy by week. An extremely important information for a gynecologist is knowing the gestational age. All this is necessary in order to properly prescribe the necessary tests and examinations for the quality management of pregnancy. Knowing the gestational age, you can accurately calculate the due date. With this information, the attending physician will inform you about the date of the maternity leave. Therefore, correctly determining the gestational age is a very important procedure for all pregnant women.

In gynecology, the timing of gestation is carried out using several indicators. The gynecologist uses the obstetric technique - by the date of the last menstruation, clarifying the information with the results of ultrasound examination. With independent calculations, a woman can use the date of the alleged conception, the day of the first stirring, or a special calculator on the site. Calculating the gestational age is not always such an easy task. Of course, if you know for sure when there was the only attempt to conceive a child, then you will not have any special problems with determining the gestational age, but even in such a situation, not everything is clear. After all, pregnancy does not begin immediately after the end of intercourse. It is important to know the exact day of the onset of pregnancy because most procedures, tests and norms are strictly tied to certain cycles of the perinatal period.

Sport and Health Calculator

We created our universal sports calculator especially for those people who like to monitor their health, and who need to keep under control the key parameters of their workouts and life in general.